arowana red No natural light in the hair colorNo natural light in the hair color
======== Xianglong Aquatic Alliance Fish Friends Comment =====
Dalu Yinghao-Comment: Both use blue background and background, will it affect hair color?
Amo Comment: Hair color is good.
Longer Obedient Comment: Congratulations on the homepage.
ghao040427 Comment: Very good
ren001002006 Comment: Very good
Rui Shigen Comment: Very good!!!
shibin18 Comment: Its just one year, good fish!
zhout77 comment:
Panshi Tinghai Comment: A good fish.
JUN-Xunlong Ji Comment: The area of the shop is OK, the color is thinner, come on.Can be fixed with water lamp.What if parrot fish chase each other?)What to do if the parrot fish bites another fish(Parrot fish biting pig-nosed turtle:Ventral fin of fish~Why do parrot fish bite the same kind*Map fish bitten by parrot fish/Tiger fish always bullies dragon fish$Parrotfish biting fish.Parrot fish bite each other? Ashdod Fish,