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New members join the family

Author: Time:2021-12-1528 second

Information summary:  Added new member protagonist Rouge Peacock Dragon, temporarily unfamiliar with the environment[haha] Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province=====...., asian arowana fish for sale, sell well, Aquarium.New members join the family

  Added new member protagonist Rouge Peacock Dragon, temporarily unfamiliar with the environment[haha] Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province========How did the fish friends of the Xianglong Aquatic Alliance comment==

  Love fish and arowana fish Yuyu said: too much to eatWhat kind of arowana feed is good:How much frozen shrimp to feed 25cm arowana at a time)Is it possible to feed only silver arowana?,Arowana pellet feed which is better?Arowana has many advantages in eating feed$Can dragon fish eat koi fish food?/Parrotfish feeding method"Arowana does not eat pelleted feed.Arowana, please eat colored feed& Wlocławek Fish