Kagoshima my arowana eat little each day
my arowana eat little each day
i had this aro for 1 year, but then recent these 2 month eating lesser and lessertill now i think 1 super worm a day
or maybe + 2 gold fish
because i see gold fish reduce by 2 each day.
super worms bite it the throw out.
it eager to go eat when i feed but just bite and throw away.
some time just swim pass.
last time used to eat 12-18 Super worms
$2 gold fish finish in 1 day.
inch 16
how i run my tank.
water change 25% 1 week, use some salt, blank water, 2-3 type of anti chorine (prime,ocean,cheap ones),
some aro essential
ph 7
temp 30-31
light t8 2 tube 8 hr daily , i wonder does light bulb need to change
Tank size 5 , 2, 2.5
sump first layer,filter socks, k1 with air pump n k1 is spining, then dog shit about 15kg , 3rd compartment cermic ring and bio home 10 kg together. also peat moss as i stay seng kang that water ph is 7 .8
fishes a pair of sp ray and eating good
1 eddy, 1 ablino, 1 placo all eating good.
please help as my aro getting thinner each day.
video as below
main tank
1. No need to add so many things into your tank bro. I rather you do a 50% wc each week. No need for salt and black water. Just add seachem prime will do. Why need add 3 type?
2. The aro is very Sian of the food you feed it liao. Try to change it up. You everyday eat same food also will Sian. Try feed fish fillet, mp, bull frog, sotong and than your sw and feeders. Give it a try. Your aro should start to eat more and more. My aro I everyday change diet. Even if I throw pellet he also whack like no body business. Just my 2 cents. Hope it helps
3. Use Pazi gold and try and Deworm your aro. Sw may cause internal pesticides. Give it a few doses should see an improvement.
>And why your aro like keep titled upwards and back keep above the water? It is always like that? If always like that than I think got a big problem liao. Might have trap air inside the stomach. That is 1 troublesome thing to recover from
>try not add so many things into your water
+ try down ur ph abit maybe 6.8
not going against other theories but my own observation on my aro tend to get jumpy/less appetite on high pH
low pH like more relax like that
>ts got check water parameter?
just saw your video the aro like that not normal head up tail going down..
>When lights is off she swim normally and some time stay centre but then when lights on is light aro plane landing
>Hmm i can check water again tonight but then ray are more sensitive to water so if they are lively woder why aro so bored
I didnt check as if all others are ok why aro are not
>dont need to add so many type of anti-chorine.. just one type work that ok..
and yes, try to feed different type of food.. e.g like MP, fillet, sotong, BF, FGS etc
you can try rotate the foods pattern every few days...
>Stop a few days dun feed try some other diet .Hope it will be ok n start to whack again.
>Tank water seems too many remedy added, thats y Aro gasping for air. Do water change 50%. No salt, remove coral chips, add black water( reduce PH level to 5.5/6) anti chlorine. Monitor for 1 week, condition will be better.
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