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Kagoshima Car bumper dislodged by spike barrier at Woodlands Checkpoint -- with no reason given

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Kagoshima Car bumper dislodged by spike barrier at Woodlands Checkpoint -- with no reason given


Car bumper dislodged by spike barrier at Woodlands Checkpoint -- with no reason given

Stomper Jen said her friends car was damaged after a spike barrier was deployed at Woodlands Checkpoint on Feb 20 without any explanation.
A spike barrier is a security control measure to prevent perpetrators from using vehicles to dash through the Checkpoint. It can cause severe damage even to heavy vehicles.
According to the Stomper, her friend was then told to file a claim against the Immigration Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
However, no assistance was given to the driver nor was he advised on how to proceed. Hence, he is now at a loss as to what to do.
Jen, a Claims Officer, said her friend had related the incident to her. She told Stomp:
"My friend was exiting Woodlands Checkpoint on Feb 20. Suddenly, the Cat Crawler was deployed without any reason and caused damage to his vehicle.
"He was at the ICA office for few hours after that, and all he got was his vehicle towed away and being told to make a claim against ICA.
"But there was no indication of who to approach and how the procedure to make a claim should be like. No one was there to advise him.
"We call up ICA and referred to a Woodlands Checkpoint officer, who could not even give us a clear direction. She replied that she was not sure as well."
Jen added that they are still waiting for ICAs response and as such, the car is still damaged.
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