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Kagoshima arowana tattoo questions

+60 12 335 1568

Kagoshima arowana tattoo questions


arowana tattoo questions

hi all, is this a thousand island ray? how much do you think this ray would cost in your area? Its a male ray, size is around 35cm, pretty beat up atm.
I got this image from the local supplier, and it was offered to me, so I just wanna get some ideas about the price elsewhere, pls help..
i would think is a cross breed black ray, the disc was badly bitten, why dun you share the price offered...
>I think its a hybrid too, but would you guys say that this is categorized as a thousand island? I havent ask for the price yet, but I just wanna get some ideas about the price if some one is willing to get one, because I dont wanna get rip off by paying too much. I am not familiar with rays, and they are not as available as elsewhere here in my town. Lumut Aquarium


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